Teaching Assistants | Department of English

Teaching Assistants

Abby Bryan

Email: agbryan@uncg.edu

Kate Burt

Email: ktburt@uncg.edu

Area: Human Nutrition Education, Animal Studies, Victorian Literature, and Pedagogy

Morgan Carter

Office: MHRA 3112C
Email: mecarte5@uncg.edu

Brittany Hilliard

Office: 3210G
Email: behilliard@uncg.edu

Area: Medieval Romances, Psychology, Christian Philosophy, Digital Humanities, Video Games

Evan Moore

Email: ecmoore3@uncg.edu

Carole-Anne Morris

Carole-Anne Morris

Email: csmorris2@uncg.edu

Area: Southern Literature, Post-Humanism

Mohammad Ataullah Nuri

Email: m_nuri@uncg.edu

Area: Environmental Humanities, World literature, Women and the Environment in South Asian Anglophone literature

Sam Phillips

Email: stphillips@uncg.edu

Area: Rhetoric of Religion, History of Rhetoric, Writings of English Dissenters in the Seventeenth Century

Janie Raghunandan

Office: MHRA 3210H
Email: j_raghun@uncg.edu

Area: Intersectional Feminist Rhetoric, Cultural Rhetoric, Pedagogy, and History of Rhetoric

Hannah Roberts

Office: MHRA 3210-D
Email: hmrobert@uncg.edu

Will Smith

Office: 3210C MHRA
Email: wssmith2@uncg.edu

Area: Medieval Literature, Digital Rhetoric

Virginia Weaver

Email: pcweaver@uncg.edu

Area: early modern British literature and religion, vampire studies, radical and gender-critical feminism, trans studies, public humanities