Mohammad Ataullah Nuri

Mohammad Ataullah Nuri



M Phil. University of Chittagong-2014
M.A. University of Chittagong-2005
B.A. University of Chittagong-2004

Research Interests

Environmental Humanities (ecocriticism, environmental justice, postcoloial ecocriticism and bioregionalism), World literature, Women and the Environment in South Asian Anglophone literature

Selected Publications:

  • “Three Waves of Ecocriticism: An Overview.” Horizon, ser. 5, Feb. 2020, pp. 253–268. 5.
  • “Kaiser Haq: A Bangladeshi English Poet Writing Dhaka Inside Out.” Premier Critical Perspectives , vol. 4, no. 1, Dec. 2019, pp. 87–101.
  • “Human-Environment Relationship in Wole Soyinka’s The Swamp Dwellers.” The Comilla University Journal of Arts, ser. 3, June 2018, pp. 133–148. 3.
  • “Edward Said’s ‘Secular Criticism’: A Counter Modern Approach to Textual Suzerainty.” ASA University Review, vol. 10, no. 1, June 2016, pp. 139–152.
  • “Selina Hosen’s Jalochchwas: A Narrative Flood, Devastation and the Looming Environmental Catastrophes in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh.” The Comilla University Journal of Arts, ser. 4. 4. (Forthcoming)

Conference Papers:

  • “Khanar Bachan: A Discourse of Ecological Agrarianism and Sustainable Development.” International interdisciplinary conference on Ecocriticism, Environmental Justice and Literature, EMK Center, Dhaka. August 2015.
  • “Wole Soyinka’s The Swamp Dwellers: The Human-environment Relationship in the Niger Delta.” International Conference on Sustainable Development, Portcity International University, Chattogram. January 2018.
  • “’Bioregional Imagination in Dwijen Sharma’s Nishorgo Nirman O Nandonik Bhabna (Building the Environment and Related Thoughts).” International Conference on ‘South Asia Studies’ Premier University, Chattogram, December 2019.

Awards and Honors

  • Minerva Scholar Fellowship, UNCG, 2021
  • The Hayes Fellowship, UNCG, 2021
  • The Moore Fellowship, UNCG, 2021