Sophie Nunberg and Michael Springer Thesis Reading

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Sophie Nunberg and Michael Springer Thesis Reading

Sophie Nunberg | Michael Springer Reading Poster

Posted on January 26, 2021

The MFA Writing Program at UNC Greensboro will host a fiction and poetry reading by Sophie Nunberg and Michael Springer on Friday, February 26th at 7PM. A part of the MFA Writing Program’s 2021 Thesis Reading Series, this virtual event will be livestreamed via our YouTube channel. It is free and open to the public.

Sophie Nunberg is a fog-baby, born and raised in San Francisco, California. She lived in Boston, got a degree in Chicago, worked at a start-up in New York, before heading South to pursue her MFA at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. To contrast her boisterous nature and corkscrew pink-curls, she writes about, as a classmate put it, ‘creeps.’

Michael Springer is from eastern Nebraska, where he produced a range of poetry performances in collaboration with multimedia artists and musicians. He is currently a second-year MFA candidate at UNC Greensboro.