Category: Interviews | Pg 4 | Department of English


Interview with MFA Greensboro alum Drew Perry at The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog

A Great Interview with  Drew Perry | The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog:

Florida Book Awards Award Winner Interview with MFA Greensboro alum Lynne Barrett

The Florida Book Awards 2011 Award Winner Interview with alum Lynne Barrett:

MFA Greensboro alum George Singleton featured at The Quivering Pen

My First Time: George Singleton | The Quivering Pen

Kathryn Stripling Byer Interview

Alum Kathryn Stripling Byer interviewed by Frank Stasio for WUNC’s The State of Things:

Camille Dungy Feature

Alum Camille Dungy featured at The Academy of American Poets:–Characteristics-of-Life-by-Camille-T–Dungy.html?soid=1110705357409&aid=JzN97KVWUsg