| Pg 2 | Department of English

New York Times Article: In the Salary Race, Engineers Sprint but English Majors Endure

Economic View In the Salary Race, Engineers Sprint but English Majors EndureIn the Salary Race, Engineers Sprint but English Majors […]

Professor Emeritus Christopher “Kit” Spencer Passes Away

Dr. Christopher Spencer, Professor of English, passed away September 7, 2019.  Dr. Spencer taught in the English Department from 1970-1991, […]

English Open House is a Big Success

Our first English Department Open House drew quite a crowd.  We had faculty on hand to discuss our various programs: […]

Dr. Heather Adams receives Distinguished Paper Award for “Of Epidemics and Epideictics: Blaming and Rehabilitating Pregnant Teens in the Late 1970s”

The 2019 Rhetoric of Health and Medicine Symposium recently awarded Dr. Heather Adams the Distinguished Paper Award for “Of Epidemics […]