2023-2024 Roskelly Award for Pedagogical Innovation

2023-2024 Roskelly Award for Pedagogical Innovation

Posted on April 16, 2024

Please join me in congratulating Pooja Shah and Janie Raghunandan, recipients of the 2023-2024 Roskelly Award for Pedagogical Innovation.

The College Writing Program Committee (Heather Brook Adams, Gia Coturri-Sorenson, Jennifer Whitaker, and Risa Applegarth) selected these two teachers for recognition from among a pool of talented nominees. Thank you to everyone who shared your innovative teaching with the committee for consideration this year!


Pooja Shah’s submission provided a scaffolded sequence of activities that extend and alter the traditional literacy narrative assignment, augmenting that assignment (and pushing students further) through a shift into a visual / graphic medium.


Janie Raghunandah’s submission detailed a community-oriented assignment sequence that develops students’ capacities for public speaking and original research in tandem, as students research a nonprofit organization and share their findings through a multimodal presentation.