CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: The Chauncey Wood Dissertation Award of the George Herbert Society, 2020-2024

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CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: The Chauncey Wood Dissertation Award of the George Herbert Society, 2020-2024

The Chauncey Wood Dissertation Award of the George Herbert Society, 2020-2024

For an Outstanding Dissertation on George Herbert

The George Herbert Society is pleased to invite submissions, beginning immediately, for the Chauncey Wood Dissertation Award for an Outstanding Dissertation on George Herbert. This prize will be awarded at the Seventh Triennial Meeting of the George Herbert Society, June 19-22, 2025 at Trinity College of the University of Toronto. Named for distinguished Herbert scholar and GHS co-founder Chauncey Wood, the Award recognizes outstanding doctoral thesis work on Herbert and includes a $600 cash prize. The winner will be invited to receive the award at our Seventh Triennial Conference, and should he or she do so, the Society will grant a $500 Travel Bursary and waive the registration fee; the winner also will be invited to submit a paper for the conference, representing his or her award-winning research.

Due to the great fermata of the Coronavirus pandemic, the period of eligibility has for this round been expanded: dissertations submitted for the Award must have been completed and successfully defended in the calendar years 2020-2024. Dissertations must be written in English and must deal with George Herbert in a substantial way.

The Society reserves the right not to make an Award in any given award period, to make multiple smaller Awards, and to give one or more honorable mentions.

To be considered for the Award candidates should first send an electronic outline of the dissertation, with completion date, to Professor Christopher Hodgkins at, by December 31, 2024. Upon confirmation that the dissertation is sufficiently Herbertian to qualify for consideration, the candidate should email an electronic copy of the dissertation as a pdf attachment to by January 15, 2025. For past Award winners, see

Inquiries may be directed to Dr. Hodgkins at

Judges: Professor Sidney Gottlieb, Sacred Heart University, Editor, George Herbert Journal (Chair); Professor Jonathan F. S. Post, The University of California at Los Angeles, Emeritus; Professor Gordon Teskey, Harvard University; Professor Helen Wilcox, Bangor University, Emerita