Mission Statement | Department of English

Mission Statement

The English Education Program at UNCG relies heavily on the National Council of Teachers of English positions and guidelines and builds on the NC Professional Teaching Standards as the framework for the knowledge base, pedagogical skills, and professionalism of our subject-area program. It also aligns itself with the UNCG School of Education’s beliefs in constructivist teaching, learning and collaboration. Literature, writing, and language are the major divisions that define the English Education major, but inherent in the program is the study of reading, speaking, thinking, media, listening, and appropriate use of technology in support of instruction. English Education at UNCG intends to prepare teachers who are broad in their thinking, well versed in their discipline, informed in theory as well as practice, concerned about diversity and community, and reflective in their ongoing professional growth.

Our program excels at preparing students for the complexities of teaching. Alumni frequently have been named teacher of the year at the school, district, and regional levels.

UNCG graduates excel at oral and written communication, critical thinking, problem solving, active listening, reading comprehension and analysis. These skills make our graduates assets for any employer both in the field of education and beyond.

UNCG prides itself as an inclusive, collaborative, and responsive institution making a difference in the lives of students and the communities it serves. In keeping with that tradition, the faculty and staff of the English Education program take their responsibilities to provide engaged and individualized instruction seriously. They are dedicated to design collaborative, rather than competitive, learning environments and embody the belief that students are active participants in their own education.