Internship Spotlight – Lori White

Internship Spotlight – Lori White

Posted on September 17, 2020

Check out this highlight from one of our undergraduate internship students, Lori White!

“Over the summer I interned with my hometown’s local newspaper, the Montgomery Herald. My job entailed conducting interviews and writing articles on subjects ranging from how local businesses were faring throughout COVID-19 to my county’s NAACP President advocating for the Black Lives Matter movement. I learned so much about writing in a journalistic style, and giving interviews in a professional setting. It was like a writing intensive, speaking intensive, communication studies, and English class rolled up into one summer. Almost all of the articles I wrote were published in the newspaper under my name. It was an amazing learning experience. It helped me realize how much I really love writing, but it also prepared me for all the hardships that come with being a journalist. Without this internship I wouldn’t know what awaits me after graduating, and now I feel so prepared and excited to become a journalist.”